Insektenleben: Von der Sommerwiese


Noch ein paar Tierchen. In der Bestimmung von Heuschrecken bin ich nicht sonderlich gut. Deshalb heute nur Bilder.

Schöne Musterungen sind das, wenn man genauer hinsieht. In den Wiesen zirpt es ganz schön zur Zeit. Hüpfen tut es auf Schritt und Tritt!


Überbelichtet, aber es gibt den Charakter der Wiese wieder.

Schenkelkäfer auf Ferkelkraut, Pippau oder…

Das hier ist noch eine Neuentdeckung für mich: eine Frühe Wespenschwebfliege Chrysotoxum  vernale oder eine Spaete Wespenschwebfliege Chrysotoxum arcuatum (?). Es ist wohl nicht ganz geklärt, wovon die Larven leben. Es gibt die Aussagen, daß sie sich von Holzmulm ernähren. Die adulten Tiere besuchen Blüten.

Es gibt mehrere Arten der Gattung Chrysotoxum und sie sind schwierig zu unterscheiden. Die  Frühe Wespenschwebfliege soll dunkle Beinansätze haben, aber die Muster auf manchen Bildern im Netz scheinen mir anders zu sein. Egal, es ist eine Wespenschwebfliege und das reicht fürs Erste.

Und noch ne Wiese

Neben dem Haus gibt es eine weitere Wiese, die dieses Jahr ziemlich bunt geworden ist. Es sieht ein bißchen aus wie gewollt und dann denke ich, es ist doch dem Zufall überlassen worden. Die Fläche besteht zu 85% aus Melde Atriplex und dazwischen wächst einiges an Kamille, hie und da ein paar Phacelia / Bienenfreund, etwas Mohn, ein paar Kornblumen, ein Borretsch (könnte von mir sein ;-), ein paar Flockenblumen, Weißklee, eben ein paar Wildblumen. Da die Hauptfläche aber fast nur aus Melde besteht, glaube ich nicht, daß das so angelegt wurde. Die war letztes Jahr auch schon üppig, als dort noch Baustelle war (typische Ruderalpflanze würde ich sagen ;-) und die begünstigen das Wachstum dieser Art enorm. In Kriegszeiten kam die Gartenmelde gerne als Spinatersatz auf den Tisch (und das ist nur eine von 300 Arten).

Zuletzt, vor der Baustelle, war es eher eine Gräserwiese mit ein paar Blümchen dazwischen. Dieses Meldefeld ist schon seltsam, aber vielleicht freut es die Falter? Auf alle Fälle gibt es mehr Blumen dort, als die Jahre davor.

Das viele Grüne ist die Melde :-)

Ich habe nach Insekten Ausschau gehalten, aber es war jetzt nicht irre viel los (eigentlich wie überall), aber ich stehe dort auch keine Stunde und gucke. Immerhin dieses Tier auf Kamille…

…und diesen Wollschweber konnte ich sichten.

Im Herbst war es der Wald, jetzt läßt mich die Wiese (oder die Wiesenblumen) nicht los :-)

In autumn I spend a lot of time in the woods, now the summer meadows and wild flowers attract me! I am not good in determine grasshoppers, so just a few pictures. They have wonderful patterns, don’t they?

I like all the different kinds of weed. To me there is poetry about it. On some of them you can find bugs. The few flowers offer nectar to all the other insects like Oedemera nobilis (the green one on the „dandelionlike“ yellow flower). Then I saw an unknown hoverfly of the kind of Chrysotoxum. All the hoverflies have so many different patterns. Unbelievable the variety!

Finally there is another meadow next to the house I live (the last 3 photos). There has been a construction site a year ago and since then there is a field of Atriplex, a plant you often find in this context. I don’t know if it is a coincidence or if it was created like that, because between all this Atriplex grow a few wildflowers like poppy, cornflower, chamomile and others. Maybe the seed was already in the sand they used for the building. Anyway there are more flowers than usual and some more insects :-) Maybe the butterflies like the Atriplex. I don’t know.


12 Kommentare Gib deinen ab

  1. bluebrightly sagt:

    Yes, overexposed reflects the meadow’s character – perfect! We don’t hear any chirping from crickets here. Maybe there aren’t any, sad. The green beetle is handsome! It’s nice that you have these meadows where you never know exactly what is going to grow. You’re right, there’s a poetry to those places, I have always thought so, too. :-)

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    1. pflanzwas sagt:

      Thank you for your thoughts :-) I think the crickets (?), as you call them, live in this kind of grassland. I don’t know if you have so many open spaces like that in your area? Maybe there is too much forest? It is nice to listen to them in warm summer nights :-)


      1. bluebrightly sagt:

        Maybe there was a translator problem – the photos looks more like a grasshopper. We do have some of those (not many) but I think the translation said crickets. Crickets are the ones that chirp at night when it’s warm – and you know, it almost never is warm at night here so maybe that’s the problem. Most nights it cools off to less than 15C. We do have fields and open spaces, and farms, too.

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        1. pflanzwas sagt:

          Okay, I am not good with these kinds. Grasshopper, crickets – I thought they are nearly the same. Ours here chirp at day and night, but I think you are right: they chirp especially when it is warm. One moment please, I should go outside ;-) We have a heatwave right now, 35 Celsius these days, „hurraaaayyyy“…………………. :-(

          Gefällt 1 Person

          1. bluebrightly sagt:

            Oh, that is WAY too hot! I remember those days – everything just slows down and all you can do is get through it – nothing extra on those days!
            I found this:
            The main difference between a grasshopper and a cricket is that crickets tend to have long antennae, grasshoppers have short antennae. Crickets stridulate („sing“) by rubbing their wings together, while grasshoppers stridulate by rubbing their long hind legs against their wings.

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            1. pflanzwas sagt:

              Probably you remember the heat from NY? It is nasty. The whole week is said to be hot, sigh. No cool nights. By the way, did you live in NY while there was the great blackout? – I believe there are both kinds in the meadow, but I can’t remember them singing at night now. We have about 20 C at night, so they should sing. Hm, I try to think of it tonight. Until now I mainly saw grasshoppers.

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            2. bluebrightly sagt:

              When it doesn’t cool down at night, that’s the worst. The last place I lived in NYC (there were many apartments over the years) was an old, 5-story building and we were on the top, under the dark, hot roof. I hope your weather changes soon.
              I was across the river from NYC during the blackout out and I worked there, but I really don’t remember it. Blackouts happen there pretty often (there was one a few days ago) and people know how to cope with it. New Yorkers are very tough and resilient. I remember times when the subways were not running for days (strikes) and people had to walk long distances. I had a bike then and rode it through Central Park to my school. Those were unsafe times, and I was attacked while riding one day. I got very lucky and was able to scream just as some policemen appeared in the distance. My attacker saw them, got scared and ran away but the police actually didn’t hear me. Back then, that was just another day in New York. It’s not like that now.
              Maybe crickets show up later in the summer than grasshoppers. As Joe and I always joke, „There’s a lot we don’t know!“ :-)

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            3. pflanzwas sagt:

              ^^ Oh dear, I don’t want to imagine what this weather must be like under a rooftop! We have 28,7 C inside and get up to 34 outside. A whole week like this with nights not under 20, sigh. I could go mad sometimes ;-)

              Oh my god, that is really horrible what you experienced then in NY. What a big luck, that the police appeared in the distance and the man vanished in that moment! Did you make a record (?) at the police? And were you still going by bike after this? I am glad to hear that the times changed, at least to some extent. One would think that riding by bike is rather a safe thing to do…
              Really, you had several blackouts? I can’t imagine walking these distances in a city like New York. The people must be really tough then! But I believe you in an instant. I think they really are :-)

              Yes, there is really a lot we don’t know ^^ Keep going and wondering :-) I didn’t notice anything the last evenings. I was too distracted by the heat. Somehow….. ;-)

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            4. bluebrightly sagt:

              :-) Yes, it was the city that had the blackouts, not me. I get annoyed if I sleep badly two nights, and if it’s three that’s really bad. So I feel for you!

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            5. pflanzwas sagt:

              Thank you! I am getting mad. It got a bit cooler, but not enough for the appartement. I really hardly sleep, but I have to deal with it somehow. Others had thunderstorms and so much water, that streets and cellars were overflowed. We had one real shower for less than one hour – and both happened in the same town. Crazy!


          2. bluebrightly sagt:

            Back in the 1970’s things were so different in NYC. It was not a safe place and the police would not have done anything – how could they? I don’t remember if I kept riding – probably I chose not to go through the park. The guy had been very clever, pretending to be a jogger, casually asking me for the time as he ran alongside me, then dropping back out of sight. He suddenly sped up and jumped onto my bike. I was SO lucky the police appeared in the distance and I was just glad to get out of there as fast as I could after that. Really, NY was full of crime then and it changed radically over the years, becoming much safer. NYC police do a pretty good job, and it’s a very hard one.
            And NY gets blackouts pretty often, in parts of the city. It can be fun to have to go back in time for a few hours, as long as it doesn’t last too long.
            Give yourself a break with the heat! ;-) It’s fine not to keep an eye on things once in a while – you do see so much. I’ll send you a phone pic of a very cool bug I saw yesterday…..

            Gefällt 1 Person

            1. pflanzwas sagt:

              I am so glad you could escape! Really tricky, this guy. It must have been very bad times. To get attacked during the day in a park, who would think so? To be honest: in many films these times are a topic so one can thing it is still today like this, but I am glad to hear that times have changed. I think you told me about it when we met. – So many blackouts? I would take a small bike with me, just in case (by the way, I wrote „YOU had several blackouts, sorry ;-) – Tomorrow the temperatures should sink under 30 C. I am totally fed up. I slept bad for a whole week now :-( But it is as it is right.

              Gefällt 1 Person

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